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Szabolcs Szekely

"The Evolution of Zwack's Global Export History: From Local Delight to International Success"

Zwack Unicum PLC. was already very active internationally before World War II, exporting to many European countries as well as the Americas. Now as then, building our brands beyond Hungarian borders is more than ever a priority. This is demonstrated by the dynamic development of Zwack exports that have tripled between 2000-2012, spreading to more than 30 countries around the world.

Year after year Zwack brands reach new markets and the number of countries where we have built relevant distribution networks is growing significantly. Currently, there are over 45 countries where more than 10 Zwack brands can be found. Although the range and popularity of available brands varies from country to country, Unicum,Unicum Plum, palinka and palinka-based products are the most significant. Unicum yields nearly 80% of our total export, while among the Pálinkas the Kosher Plum and various fruit palinkas are the most popular.

Our most important export markets are Italy and Germany and much emphasis is also placed on neighbouring countries in the short- and medium-term such as Romania while in Slovakia we are mainly focusing on our Vilmos pear eaux de vie. Other future strategic markets are beyond the borders of Europe such as Asia.The Company has the objective of deriving at least 10% of its gross sales from exports and has the ambition to increase it.



Visitors can visit the distillery, where Unicum has been made since 1892. It is not possible to observe Unicum in the making, but the fragrance of herbs is overwhelming. Cabinets full of herbs line the walls and cover a huge barrel. You can see the original pot stills and vats.


From here visitors can descend into the cellars which extend over 2.500 square meters underneath the distillery. At the end of the tour, they may taste the classic Unicum or the Plum on tap from one of the 500 casks.


Here visitors may purchase #Zwack products, wines and international brands distributed by the Company. There is also a wide choice of T-shirts, posters, other souvenirs. If you can’t visit us in person, be sure to stop by our webshop!


For groups and individual visitors the program contains a visit to the old distillery as well, namely the “Heart of Unicum” which is now in its original condition since it has been renovated based on the original photos that remained. More than 100 years old distilling systems, stone barrels – used for extraction – and aromatic herbs that might be a part of the Unicum’s secret recipe are exhibited in this tarnished building.

The last station of the tour is the #Unicum cellar which is a labyrinth with almost 500 oak barrels where the Unicum is aged for half a year. The visitors can taste the original #Unicum and the Unicum #Plum straight from the oak barrels enjoying the fragrances and the flavours of these herb liqueurs.

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